Community Participation in the 2024 AWP Conference & Bookfair

The information below compiles demographics for presenters of accepted events in the 2024 AWP Conference & Bookfair.

Gender and race/ethnicity data and response rate for presenters is consistent with data we have made public over the past several years. AWP uses responses in the aggregate only (in general sums and percentages) in reports to our funders and members. AWP never discloses anyone’s individual characteristics. AWP does not share individual characteristics with the subcommittee members who evaluate proposals.

Visit the How Events Are Selected for details about how the 2024 AWP Subcommittee made their selections. AWP is grateful to the subcommittee for their hard work in providing a balanced and inclusive schedule for the 2024 conference.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide this information. Over the next couple of months, we expect the data to change slightly, because some panelists must step off events if they are committed to more than two accepted events. Event organizers will select replacements. AWP limits the number of events in which any one presenter may participate in order to increase the participation and inclusivity of the conference.

Click the images below for larger versions or hover over the images for alt description text.


2024 Presenters Who Identify Themselves by Race or Ethnicity*

This pie chart shows the number of AWP presenters who identified themselves by race. The chart shows that 23 presenters identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native, 191 identify as Asian, 223 identify as Black or African American, 142 identify as Hispanic or Latino, 2 identify as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 610 identify as white. 53 presenters identify as another race not identified here. 191 presenters identify as mixed race.

*Statistics reflect 92.7% response rate.

**Presenters identifying as mixed race include American Indian or Alaskan Native (39), Asian (69), Black or African American (56), Hispanic or Latino (67), Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (8), white (117), and another race not identified here (55).


2024 Presenters by Race or Ethnicity Compared to 2022-2023*

This bar graph shows data for presenters that identified by race and ethnicity in 2024, 2023, and 2022. 23 presenters in 2024, 28 presenters in 2023, and 26 presenters in 2022 identified as American Indian or Alaskan Native. 191 presenters in 2024, 237 presenters in 2023, and 182 presenters in 2022 identified as Asian. 223 presenters in 2024, 161 presenters in 2023, and 229 presenters in 2022 identified as Black or African American. 142 presenters in 2024, 110 presenters in 2023, and 119 presenters in 2022 identified as Hispanic or Latino. 191 presenters in 2024, 199 presenters in 2023, and 191 presenters in 2022 identified as mixed race. 2 presenters in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 4 presenters in 2022 identified as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. 610 presenters in 2024, 543 presenters in 2023, and 604 presenters in 2022 identified as white. 53 presenters in 2024, 57 presenters in 2023, and 53 presenters in 2022 identified as another race or ethnicity not specified here

*Statistics reflect a 93.2% response rate among 2022 presenters, 1,408 presenters
Statistics reflect a 90.7% response rate among 2023 presenters, 1,336 presenters
Statistics reflect a 92.7% response rate among 2024 presenters, 1,435 presenters


2024 Nonaccepted Presenters by Race or Ethnicity Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar graph shows data for accepted and not accepted presenters that identified by race and ethnicity in 2024. 23 accepted presenters and 13 not accepted presenters identified as American Indian or Alaska Native. 191 accepted presenters and 180 not accepted presenters identified as Asian. 223 accepted presenters and 200 not accepted presenters identified as Black or African American. 142 accepted presenters and 110 not accepted presenters identified as Hispanic or Latino. 191 accepted presenters and 198 not accepted presenters identified as mixed race. 2 accepted presenters and 2 not accepted presenters identified as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. 610 accepted presenters and 1,063 not accepted presenters identified as white. 53 accepted presenters and 62 not accepted presenters identified as another race or ethnicity not specified here.

*Statistics reflect 91.1% response rate

**This data represents a 63.9% acceptance rate for American Indian or Alaskan Native presenters, 51.5% acceptance rate for Asian presenters, 52.7% acceptance rate for Black or African American presenters, 56.3% acceptance rate for Hispanic or Latino presenters, 49.1% acceptance rate for mixed race presenters, 50.0% acceptance rate for Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander presenters, 36.5% acceptance rate for white presenters, and 46.1% acceptance rate for presenters who identified as another race or ethnicity not specified.


2024 Presenters Who Identified Themselves by Gender*

This pie graph shows the number of AWP presenters who identified their gender. The chart shows that 4 presenters identify as agender, 1 as androgynous, 1 as bigender, 2 as cisgender, 897 as female, 4 as genderfluid, 13 as genderqueer, 378 as male, 34 as nonbinary, 1 as transsexual, 4 as transgender, 1 as Two-Spirit. 3 presenters chose another gender not identified here. 138 presenters identified as multiple genders.

*Statistics reflect 95.8% response rate.

**Presenters identifying as multiple genders include agender (4), androgynous (7), cisgender (9), female (71), genderfluid (26), genderqueer (51), male (18), nonbinary (72), transsexual (11), transgender (55), two-spirit (2), and a gender not identified here (4).


2024 Presenters by Gender Compared to 2022-2023*

This bar graph shows data for presenters that identified by gender in 2024, 2023, and 2023. 4 presenters in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 2 presenters in 2022 identified as agender. 1 presenter in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as androgynous. 1 presenter in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 1 presenter in 2022 identified as bigender. 2 presenters in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as cisgender. 897 presenters in 2024, 925 presenters in 2023, and 940 presenters in 2022 identified as female. 4 presenters in 2024, 3 presenters in 2023, and 2 presenters in 2022 identified as genderfluid. 13 presenters in 2024, 10 presenters in 2023, and 12 presenters in 2022 identified as genderqueer. 1 presenter in 2024, 0 presenters in 2023, and 1 presenter in 2022 identified as intersex. 378 presenters in 2024, 303 presenters in 2023, and 361 presenters in 2022 identified as male. 138 presenters in 2024, 114 presenters in 2023, and 106 presenters in 2022 identified as multiple genders. 34 presenters in 2024, 24 presenters in 2023, and 20 presenters in 2022 identified as non-binary. 4 presenters in 2024, 11 presenters in 2023, and 3 presenters in 2022 identified as transgender. 1 presenter in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as transsexual. 1 presenter in 2024, 2 presenters in 2023, and 1 presenter in 2022 identified as two-spirit. 3 presenters in 2024, 2 presenters in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as another gender not specified here.

*Statistics reflect a 96.5% response rate among 2022 presenters, 1,449 presenters
Statistics reflect a 95.0% response rate among 2023 presenters, 1,399 presenters
Statistics reflect a 95.8% response rate among 2024 presenters, 1,482 presenters


2024 Nonaccepted Presenters by Gender Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar graph compares the number of nonaccepted presenters to accepted presenters. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 4 accepted presenters identified as agender. 4 nonaccepted presenters and 1 accepted presenter identified as androgynous.  0 nonaccepted presenter and 1 accepted presenter identified as bigender. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 2 accepted presenters identified as cisgender. 1,278 nonaccepted presenters and 897 accepted presenters identified as female. 7 nonaccepted presenters and 4 accepted presenters identified as genderfluid. 12 nonaccepted presenters and 13 accepted presenters identified as genderqueer. 0 nonaccepted presenter and 1 accepted presenter identified as intersex. 444 nonaccepted presenters and 378 accepted presenters identified as male. 29 nonaccepted presenters and 34 accepted presenters identified as non-binary. 1 nonaccepted presenters and 4 accepted presenters identified as transgender. 1 nonaccepted presenter and 1 accepted presenter identified as transsexual. 2 nonaccepted presenters and 1 accepted presenter identified as two-spirit. 4 nonaccepted presenters and 3 accepted presenters identified as another gender not identified here. 145 nonaccepted presenters and 138 accepted presenters identified as multiple genders.

*This data represents a 100% acceptance rate for proposed agender presenters, a 20% acceptance rate for proposed androgynous presenters, a 100% acceptance rate for proposed bigender presenters, a 100% acceptance rate for proposed cisgender presenters, a 41.2% acceptance rate for proposed female presenters, a 36.3% acceptance rate for proposed genderfluid presenters, a 52% acceptance rate for proposed genderqueer presenters, a 100% acceptance rate for proposed intersex presenters, a 46% acceptance rate for proposed male presenters, a 54% acceptance rate for proposed nonbinary presenters, a 80% acceptance rate for proposed transgender presenters, a 33.3% acceptance rate for proposed two-spirit presenters, a 42.9% acceptance rate for proposed presenters who identified as another gender not specified here, and a 48.8% acceptance rate for proposed presenters who identified as multiple genders.


2024 Presenters Who Identified Themselves by Sexual Orientation*

This pie graph shows the number of AWP presenters who identified their sexual orientation. The chart shows that 2 presenters identify as asexual, 88 presenters identify as bisexual, 69 presenters identify as gay or lesbian, 12 presenters identify as pansexual, 155 presenters identify as queer, 452 presenters identify as straight/heterosexual. 12 presenters identify as another sexual orientation not identified here. 136 presenters identify as multiple sexualities.

*Statistics reflect 58.9% response rate.

**Presenters identifying as multiple sexualities include asexual (10), bisexual (67), gay or lesbian (59), pansexual (39), queer (118), straight/heterosexual (14), and a sexuality not identified here (3).


2024 Presenters by Sexual Orientation Compared to 2022-2023*

This bar graph shows data for presenters that identified by sexual orientation in 2024, 2023, and 2023. 2 presenters in 2024, 5 presenters in 2023, and 2 presenters in 2022 identified as asexual. 88 presenters in 2024, 79 presenters in 2023, and 44 presenters in 2022 identified as bisexual. 69 presenters in 2024, 64 presenters in 2023, and 36 presenters in 2022 identified as gay or lesbian. 136 presenters in 2024, 119 presenters in 2023, and 56 presenters in 2022 identified as multiple sexualities. 12 presenters in 2024, 15 presenters in 2023, and 9 presenters in 2022 identified as a sexuality not identified here. 12 presenters in 2024, 16 presenters in 2023, and 10 presenters in 2022 identified as pansexual. 155 presenters in 2024, 153 presenters in 2023, and 62 presenters in 2022 identified as queer. 452 presenters in 2024, 458 presenters in 2023, and 236 presenters in 2022 identified as straight/heterosexual.

*Statistics reflect a 30.2% response rate among 2022 presenters, 1,506 presenters
Statistics reflect a 57.6% response rate among 2023 presenters, 1,577 presenters
Statistics reflect a 58.9% response rate among 2024 presenters, 1,572 presenters


2024 Nonaccepted Presenters by Sexual Orientation Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar graph compares the number of nonaccepted presenters to accepted presenters. 6 nonaccepted presenters and 2 accepted presenters identified as asexual. 108 nonaccepted presenters and 88 accepted presenters identified as bisexual. 70 nonaccepted presenters and 69 accepted presenters identified as gay or lesbian. 135 nonaccepted presenters and 136 accepted presenters identified as multiple sexualities. 11 nonaccepted presenters and 12 accepted presenters identified as a sexuality not identified here. 23 nonaccepted presenters and 12 accepted presenters identified as pansexual. 152 nonaccepted presenters and 155 accepted presenters identified as queer. 573 nonaccepted presenters and 452 accepted presenters identified as straight/heterosexual.

*This data represents a 25% acceptance rate for proposed asexual presenters, a 44.9% acceptance rate for proposed bisexual presenters, a 49.6% acceptance rate for proposed gay or lesbian presenters, a 34.3% acceptance rate for proposed pansexual presenters, a 50.5% acceptance rate for proposed queer presenters, a 44.1% acceptance rate for proposed straight/heterosexual presenters, a 52.2% acceptance rate for proposed presenters who identified as a sexual orientation not identified here, and a 50.2% acceptance rate for proposed presenters who identified as multiple sexualities.


2024 Presenters Who Identified Themselves by Disability*

This pie chart shows the number of accepted AWP presenters who identified themselves by disability. The chart shows that 4 presenters identify as having an ambulatory disability, 1 as autism spectrum disorder, 5 as Blind or vision, 17 as cognitive or learning, 10 as deaf or hearing, 92 as depression, anxiety, and/or emotional, 0 as developmental, 7 as mental, 14 as physical, 0 as self-care, 0 as speech. 44 presenters identified as having another disability not specified here. 100 presenters identified as having multiple disabilities.

*Statistics reflect a 60.5% response rate among 2024 presenters.

**651 presenters identified as having no disability.

***Presenters identifying as having multiple disabilities include ambulatory (18), autism spectrum disorder (2) blind or vision (7), cognitive or learning (33), D/deaf or hearing (7), depression, anxiety, and/or emotional (77), mental (21), physical (41), self-care (3), speech (6), and a disability not identified here (38).

****Autism spectrum disorder and developmental disability were added as options to the disability demographic question in August 2023, and all accepted presenters who identify by these options may not be reflected in this data.


2024 Presenters by Disability Compared to 2022-2023*

This bar graph shows data for presenters that identified by disability in 2023, 2022, and 2021. 4 presenters in 2024, 5 presenters in 2023, and 3 presenters in 2022 identified as having an ambulatory disability. 1 presenter in 2024, 0 presenters in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as having autism spectrum disorder. 5 presenters in 2024, 1 presenter in 2023, and 2 presenters in 2022 identified as having a blind or vision disability. 17 presenters in 2024, 7 presenters in 2023, and 6 presenters in 2022 identified as having a cognitive or learning disability. 10 presenters in 2024, 7 presenters in 2023, and 5 presenters in 2022 identified as having a D/deaf or hearing disability. 92 presenters in 2024, 58 presenters in 2023, and 40 presenters in 2022 identified as having a depression, anxiety, and/or emotional disability. 0 presenters in 2024, 0 presenters in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as having a developmental disability. 7 presenters in 2024, 3 presenters in 2023, and 1 presenter in 2022 identified as having a mental disability. 14 presenters in 2024, 15 presenters in 2023, and 10 presenters in 2022 identified as having a physical disability. 0 presenters in 2024, 0 presenters in 2023, and 1 presenter in 2022 identified as having a self-care disability. 0 presenters in 2024, 0 presenters in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 identified as having a speech disability. 44 presenters in 2024, 25 presenters in 2023, and 10 presenters in 2022 identified as having another disability not specified here. 100 presenters in 2024, 58 presenters in 2023, and 40 presenters in 2022 identified as having multiple disabilities. 651 presenters in 2024, 211 presenters in 2023, and 50 presenters in 2022 identified as not having a disability.

*Statistics reflect a 10.7% response rate among 2022 presenters, 1,506 presenters.
Statistics reflect a 26.5% response rate among 2023 presenters, 1,473 presenters.
Statistics reflect a 60.5% response rate among 2024 presenters, 1,563 presenters.

**Autism spectrum disorder and developmental disability were added as options to the disability demographic question in August 2023, and all accepted presenters who identify by these options may not be reflected in this data.


2024 Nonaccepted Presenters by Disability Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar graph compares the number of nonaccepted presenters by disability compared to accepted presenters. 6 nonaccepted presenters and 4 accepted presenters identify as having an ambulatory disability. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 1 accepted presenter identify as having autism spectrum disorder. 6 nonaccepted presenters and 5 accepted presenters identify as blind or having a vision disability. 18 nonaccepted presenters and 17 accepted presenters identify as having a cognitive or learning disability. 23 nonaccepted presenters and 10 accepted presenters identify as D/deaf or having a hearing disability. 125 nonaccepted presenters and 92 accepted presenters identify as having depression, anxiety, and/or an emotional disability. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 0 accepted presenters identify as having a developmental disability. 6 nonaccepted presenters and 7 accepted presenters as identify as having a mental disability. 21 nonaccepted presenters and 14 accepted presenters identify as having a physical disability. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 0 accepted presenters identify as having a self-care disability. 1 nonaccepted presenter and 0 accepted presenters identify as having a speech disability. 43 nonaccepted presenters and 44 accepted presenters identified as having another disability not specified here. 91 nonaccepted presenters and 100 accepted presenters identified as having multiple disabilities. 795 nonaccepted presenters and 651 accepted presenters identified as not having a disability.

*This data represents a 40% acceptance rate for presenters with an ambulatory disability, 100% acceptance rate for presenters with autism spectrum disorder, 45.4% acceptance rate for presenters with a blind or vision disability, 48.6% acceptance rate for presenters with a cognitive or learning disability, 30.3% acceptance rate for presenters with a deaf or hearing disability, 42.4% acceptance rate for presenters with a depression, anxiety, and/or emotional disability, 53.8% acceptance rate for presenters with a mental disability, 40% acceptance rate for presenters with a physical disability, 0% acceptance rate for presenters with a speech disability, 50.6% acceptance rate for presenters with another disability not identified here, 52.4% acceptance rate for presenters who identified as having multiple disabilities, and a 45% acceptance rate for presenters who identified as having no disability.

**Autism spectrum disorder and developmental disability were added as options to the disability demographic question in August 2023, and all presenters who identify by these options may not be reflected in this data.


2024 Presenters Who Identified Themselves by Age*

This pie chart shows the number of accepted AWP presenters who identified themselves by age. The chart shows that 1 presenter is between the ages 18-19, 88 presenters are between the ages 20-29, 404 presenters are between the ages 30-39, 445 presenters are between the ages 40-49, 264 presenters are between the ages 50-59, 85 presenters are between the ages 60-69, 23 presenters are between the ages 70-79, and 2 presenters are between the ages 80-83.

*Statistics reflect an 83.5% response rate among 2024 presenters.


2024 Presenters by Age Compared to 2022-2023*

This bar graph shows data for presenters that identified by age in 2023, 2022, and 2021. 1 presenter in 2024, 2 presenters in 2023, and 0 presenters in 2022 reported being 19 or younger in age. 88 presenters in 2024, 88 presenters in 2023, and 90 presenters in 2022 reported being 20-29 in age. 404 presenters in 2024, 409 presenters in 2023, and 391 presenters in 2022 reported being 30-39 in age. 445 presenters in 2024, 449 presenters in 2023, and 403 presenters in 2022 reported being 40-49 in age. 264 presenters in 2024, 256 presenters in 2023, and 230 presenters in 2022 reported being 50-59 in age. 85 presenters in 2024, 105 presenters in 2023, and 115 presenters in 2022 reported being 60-69 in age. 23 presenters in 2024, 43 presenters in 2023, and 47 presenters in 2022 reported being 70-79 in age. 2 presenters in 2024, 4 presenters in 2023, and 5 presenters in 2022 reported being 80-89 in age.

*Statistics reflect an 85.1% response rate among 2022 presenters, 1,506 presenters.
Statistics reflect an 86.0% response rate among 2023 presenters, 1,577 presenters.
Statistics reflect an 83.5% response rate among 2024 presenters, 1,572 presenters.


2024 Nonaccepted Presenters by Age Compared to Accepted Presenters*

This bar graph compares the number of nonaccepted presenters by age compared to accepted presenters. 0 nonaccepted presenters and 1 accepted presenters reported being 19 or younger in age. 132 nonaccepted presenters and 88 accepted presenters reported being 20-29 in age. 442 nonaccepted presenters and 404 accepted presenters reported being 30-39 in age. 500 nonaccepted presenters and 445 accepted presenters reported being 40-49 in age. 336 nonaccepted presenters and 264 accepted presenters reported being 50-59 in age. 164 nonaccepted presenters and 85 accepted presenters reported being 60-69 in age. 74 nonaccepted presenters and 23 accepted presenters reported being 70-79 in age. 10 nonaccepted presenters and 2 accepted presenters reported being 80-89 in age.

*This data represents a 100% acceptance rate for presenters age 19 or younger, 40% acceptance rate for presenters age 20-29, 47.8% acceptance rate for presenters age 30-39, 47.1% acceptance rate for presenters age 40-49, 44% acceptance rate for presenters age 50-59, 34.1% acceptance rate for presenters age 60-69, 23.7% acceptance rate for presenters age 70-79, and a 16.7% acceptance rate for presenters age 80-89.


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March 26–29, 2025
Los Angeles, California

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